The DSE 2025 Call for Speakers Deadline Extended!
Calling all storytellers, creators, experience builders, technologists. We want to hear your story.
Deadline: Extended to March 14, 2025, 12:00 midnight PST!
We are seeking case studies and real-world experience from professionals who are using digital signage and interactive technology to revolutionize communications and build brand experiences. Digital Signage Experience (DSE) 2025 takes place October 20-21 in San Diego, California (NEW Location!).
Submit your proposal today for seminars, tech talks, facilitated debates, workshops and more during the show.
Sessions must be educational, related to strategy, applications, use-cases, and outcomes. No endorsement segments will be accepted.As a speaker at DSE 2025, you will:
- Be positioned as a thought leader in the industry
- Present ideas and challenges to our audiences
- Enhance your personal and professional resume
- Gain recognition by appearing at the industry's leading conference
- Share your expertise and knowledge
- Network with other subject matter experts
- Receive a free pass to the conference
Speaking Inquiries
David Drain